Let's start by clicking on Events from your admin dashboard.

You can see events in the calendar view on the left and list view on the right.



Click Calendars to turn calendars on and off by checking the corresponding box.

By default, there is a calendar of all community events set up by administrators.

There is also a calendar which displays members' birthdays.



You can change the month by clicking the month name or by using the arrows to navigate back and forth.

Jump back to the current month by clicking Today.



Click the Add New Event button to start creating a new community event.



Add an Event title and select Event colour.

Select Allow anyone to join the event to invite all members or choose to Restrict the event to specific guests.

If you have selected to restrict the event to specific guests, click the drop down to select members.

Add an event description, location, date, time and attach any relevant documents.



When creating a repeating event, select the Add Repeat Options.

Select how often you would like the event to Repeat, on which Day and Frequency

Select a Specific date for the event to repeat until or select No end date. Click Save > Create Event.



The event will now be visible in the calendar view and list view.

To edit an event, click on an event via the calendar view, list view or click the search icon to type in the event name and select it.



Click Edit to make changes to the event. Click Update Event to save changes.



Click on the Guests tab to view all guests who have responded.

Guests will show as accepted or declined. Here you can edit and add guests.



And that's how to manage community events!