Let’s start by tapping the Calendar icon on your Monty home screen.



From here you can manage all your events and appointments. Your calendar will load in schedule view.

To change your calendar view, tap the Calendar Settings icon.



Toggle calendars on and off by tapping the calendar title.

Select Daily view to see your calendar day-by-day.

For a monthly view, select Monthly View.



Tap an event to view details or to Accept or Decline the event.



Accepted events will show as a block colour. Declined events will still remain in your calendar in white.



Tap the plus icon to start creating a new event.

Add an Event title, Description, Location. In location you can add a custom address.

Toggle Private gathering 'on' to indicate the event is private and limited to invited guests only.

Select the Date and a start and end Time.



When creating a repeating event, tap Repeat.

Select how often you would like the event to repeat. Daily, Weekly or Monthly, on which Days and Until when.



Tap to add an event Alert. This will send a reminder out to guests.

Select an event colour.

Finally, tap Create to save the event and send it out to guests.



The event will now be visible in the calendar view.

To update your event details, open the event and tap Edit or tap Delete to erase your event.



And that's how to manage your events and calendar!